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Mar - Apr 2014
(2 months)


IT Industry


Vovios Networks Inc.


  • Difficulte to gather all the contents for this corporate website and to find the right images to describe the company

Vovios Website Development


Vovios is a one-stop service provider for start-up or re-structuring businesses that need an extra touch from the experts. Vovios Networks provides detailed consulting, thorough market research and customized business plan that develop business ideas into the realistic yet successful approach. The ability to create the necessary database and web solution to bring the plan into a reality is another strength that differentiates Vovios from any other business consulting firms.

My Roles

  • Desk research (CEO interview, benchmarking)
  • UX/UI design and prototyping
  • Front-end web development
  • Graphic design
  • Usability test

Work Process

(1) Interviewed the CEO of the company and found out the purpose and goal of the corporate website

(2) Researched on the other corporates' websites which was showing for their investors

(3) Created a concept and discussed it with the CEO

(4) Did the whole graphic design, web design and front-end development

(5) Conducted Usability test


Vovios Networks Corporation Website
Vovios Networks Corporation Website
Vovios Networks Corporation Website
Vovios Networks Corporation Website
Vovios Networks Corporation Website